Below are some tips for anyone interested in applying the Matlab routines used in our project. 1. Most of the time should be spent finding a good starting point for the maximum likelihood estimation. a. Use means (e.g., average ratio of market consumption to output) to determine share parameters. b. Manually adjust subsets of parameters to see if the likelihood is near-flat for some -- fix those initially. c. For all candidate parameter vectors, plot the innovations to see if they look like white noise. d. Work up to estimating the full set of parameters gradually -- it is difficult to make progress in a very high dimensional parameter space. 2. One problem that arose in our project was the trends in tax rates which caused near unit-root processes. (This is why we do checks with HP-filtered data.) I have built in penalty functions in the main routines. Users should make sure that the parameters are set appropriately for their own examples. 3. Always ask, Is there something first-order that my model is missing? If there is, it should be obvious because the MLE routines will pull you away from estimates that are typically used in the literature. In our first attempts, we did not have taxes in the model -- and the mismatch of theory and data was evident in the innovations we plotted. Ellen McGrattan