File Name: USapp_provisional
Sorted by
Unique Index: app_publication_num*app_publication_kind*provisional_index
(Note this
files contains the information only for publication years 2005-2012)
In the patent application process, patents sometimes are given provisional application
numbers that are different from the ones use in the published
applications. It is useful to have the
provisional number for linking patents across countries. When claiming foreign priority, an
application may use the provisional number.
We note that
the file only contains the provisional publication number for years 2005 and
beyond. The xml format of the raw text
file before 2005 is different from 2005 and after. We had a problem collecting the provisional
number for years 2000 to 2004 and we have not yet gone back to recollect
it. Our study focuses only on
publication years 2005-2010, so we didn’t need to do this for our study.
Variable |
Type |
Len |
Columns in Ascii File |
Description |
app_publication_num |
Char |
20 |
1-20 |
The application number of the published application |
app_publication_kind |
Char |
3 |
21-23 |
The application kind of the published application |
app_ref_type |
Char |
15 |
24-38 |
Code used by USPTO. |
provisional_doc_number |
Char |
10 |
39-48 |
The provisional document number |
provisional_doc_date |
Char |
8 |
49-56 |
The provisional document date |
provisional_country |
Char |
10 |
57-66 |
This equals “US” |
provisional_index |
Num |
8 |
67-74 |
The sort order that the provisional document number is listed |