File Name: WIPOapp_basedat
Sorted by
Unique Index: pub_no
Basic information for each WIPO patent application published between 1999 and
Variable |
Type |
Len |
Columns in Ascii File |
Description |
Pub_No |
Char |
20 |
1-20 |
Publication Number, the unique id for each published application (The code is actually 14 digits. However in the course of our work, it was first saved as 20 digits, with 6 blanks in spots 15-20, and we have left it this way.) |
Intl_App_No |
Char |
30 |
21-50 |
International Application Number |
Pub_Date |
Char |
10 |
51-60 |
Publication Date (10 digit format, 4-digit year+’.’+2-digit month+’.’+2-digit day) |
Intl_File_Date |
Char |
10 |
61-70 |
International Application Filing Date (10 digit format, 4-digit year+’.’+2-digit month+’.’+2-digit day) |
Pub_lang2 |
Char |
2 |
71-72 |
Publication Language, 2-Digit Code |
Filing_lang2 |
Char |
2 |
73-74 |
Filing Language, 2-Digit Code |
Title_EN |
Char |
250 |
75-324 |
Title in English |
Office_Country |
Char |
2 |
325-326 |
Office of the country where patent was initially filed. |