Aug 1, 2012


Description of Supplementary Files for “An Alternative Theory of the Plant Size Distribution, with Geography and Intra- and International Trade”



Thomas J. Holmes (University of Minnesota, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and NBER)


John J. Stevens (Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System)


Description of Program:

base97.prg is Gauss program that runs stage 2 for 1997.  It runs 10 iterations and saves the results for each iteration.  For each iterations, it produces count coefficients ns and nb, and estimate of the Γ=(γ1, γ2,.. γ177).  It simulates the impact of a China Surge for 2007, using the 1997 estimates.


Description of Output Files:

Three files contain the results of the stage 2 estimation.


Layout base97_loc_level.asc

Has no header row.

Column 1

naicsindex (this is an index from 1 to 473 of the 1997 NAICS manufacturing industries, with industries sorted by NAICS.  See file mandat_naics2 for a link from naicsindex to NAICS. 

Column 2

Iteration number (results are reported for the first and last iterations)

Column 3

A code we use for our project.  We delete Alaska and Hawaii, leaving us with 177 economic areas.  We number the remaining EAs from 1 to 177

Column 4

sal_dat, sales revenue

Column 5

salT, sales revenue in the standardized segment

Column 6

salN, sales revenue in the specialty segment

Column 7

est, establishment count

Column 8

estNhat, estimated specialty segment establishment count

Column 9

S_TNboth, share of total sales

Column 10

s, share of standardized segment sales

Column 11

S_China, share of sales in China experiment

Column 12

Est_China, establishment count in the China experiment


Layout of base97_naics_level.asc

Has ot header row.

Column 1

naicsindex (this is an index from 1 to 473 of the 1997 NAICS manufacturing industries, with industries sorted by NAICS.  See file mandat_naics2 for a link from naicsindex to NAICS. 

Column 2

6 digit NAICS

Column 3

Iteration number (results are reported for the first and last iterations)

Column 4


Column 5

total establishment count

Column 6

total establishment count in China experiment

Column 7


Column 8

eta1 (η) (semilog)

Column 9

eta2 (η) (semilog)

Columns 10-186

Gamma (G), the cost efficiency parameters for each location


Layout of base97_nu_bsize.asc

Has no header row.

Column 1

naicsindex (this is an index from 1 to 473 of the 1997 NAICS manufacturing industries, with industries sorted by NAICS.  See file mandat_naics2 for a link from naicsindex to NAICS. 

Column 2

6 digit NAICS

Column 3

Iteration number (results are reported for each iteration)

Column 4

assumed size of a specialty segment establishment

Column 5

constant term for stage 2 estimates

Column 6

slope for stage 2 estimates on population term (i.e. for speciality)

Column 7

slope for stage 2 estimates on primary segement



Layout of base97_naics_levelC.asc

Has no header row.

Column 1

naicsindex (this is an index from 1 to 473 of the 1997 NAICS manufacturing industries, with industries sorted by NAICS.  See file mandat_naics2 for a link from naicsindex to NAICS. 

Column 2

6 digit NAICS

Column 3

Iteration number (results are reported for the first and last iterations)

Column 4-180

GammaC .  We need to solve for the Gamma coming from China that is consitent with imports