Claustre Bajona & Timothy Kehoe "Trade, Growth, and Convergence in a Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Model" Review of Economic Dynamics Documentation on the programs used to produce the examples in the paper. The .zip file contains two directories with Fortran programs: 1)CES_CD: contains the files needed to compute equilibrium for a dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model for the Cobb-Douglas and CES versions of the model 2)Ventura: contains the files needed to compute the equilibrium of a Ventura-type model, allowing for corner solutions. CES-CD: Contains the following files: Main.for: main program. Solve.for: solves for the dynamic equilibrium using the Newton’s method. The variables to solve for are the paths of aggregate capital stocks for each country (except for the first period, which are given) and the equilibrium path of the ratio y2/y1, where y2 is the world’s output of good 2 and y1 is the world’s output of good 1. The set of equations that needs to be solved is included in the function ff. Ff.for: contains the set of equations that needs to be solved in order to find the equilibrium path. It is called by the newton’s method. Phi1.for: contains the production function of good 1 Phi2.for: contains the production function of good 2 F.for: contains the production function for corresponding one sector model (our economy reduces to a one sector model in the case where there is diversification along the whole equilibrium path) Invert.for: function that inverts a matrix. Called by the newton’s method. Ventura: Contains the following files: Main-corner.for: main program. Solve-corner.for: solves for the dynamic equilibrium using the Newton’s method. The variables to solve for are the paths of aggregate capital stocks for each country (except for the first period, which are given) and the equilibrium path of the ratio y2/y1, where y2 is the world’s output of good 2 and y1 is the world’s output of good 1. The set of equations that needs to be solved is included in the function ff. Ff-corner.for: contains the set of equations that needs to be solved in order to find the equilibrium path. It is called by the newton’s method. F-corner.for: contains the production function for corresponding one sector model (our economy reduces to a one sector model in the case where there is diversification along the whole equilibrium path)