Econ 8602-Industrial Organization

Dept. of Economics

University of Minnesota

Spring 2024


·        Lecture 1:1/16/2024: Dynamic Duopoly

·        Lecture 2: 1/18/2024: Dynamic and Stochastic Models of Industry

o   Single Agent  

o   Multi Agent

·        Lecture 3: 1/23/2024: Two Applications,

o   Finish multi-agent slides

o   Igami and  Uetake Restud (2020)  slides1 slides2

·        Lecture 4:

o   Nakaruma and Zerom, Restud (2010) “Accounting for Incomplete Pass-Through”  slides

o   Grieco, Murry, Yurukoglu,”The Evolution of Market Power in the US Automobile Industry (with Paul) forthcoming Quarterly Journal of Economics, July 2023.  slides

o   Will reference but not go over: De Loecker Eeckhout and Unger (2020), The Rise of Market Power and Macroeconomic Implications,” QJE

·        Lecture 5 1/30/2024

o   Gregory S. Crawford, Robin S. Lee, Michael D. Whinston, Ali Yurukoglu, The Welfare Effects of Vertical Integration in Multichannel Television Markets,”,ECONOMETRICA: MAY 2018, VOLUME 86, ISSUE 3 p. 891-954  slides1 slides2


·        Lecture 6 2/6/2024:  Price Discrimination—The Case of Airlines

o   Gaurab Aryal, Charles Murry, Jonathan W Williams, Price Discrimination in International Airline Markets, The Review of Economic Studies, 2023;, rdad037,   slides

o   Jose M. Betancourt, Ali Hortaçsu, Aniko Oery & Kevin R. Williams, “Dynamic Price Competition: Theory and Evidence from Airline Markets,” NBER working paper 30347, April 2023, slides


·        Lecture 7  2/8/2024 Labor Market Power

o   José Azar, Steven Berry and Ioanna Marinescu (2022), "Estimating Labor Market Power."  slides

o   An aside Holmes and Stevens, “An Alternative Theory of the Plant Size Distribution, with Geography and Intra- and International Trade, Journal of Political Economy, April 2014  Slides

o   David Berger, Kyle Herkenhoff and Simon Mongey "Labor Market Power," American Economic Review, 2022  Vol. 112, No. 4, pp. 1147-93, slides

·        Lectures 8 and 9  Market Power and Mergers

o   Berger, Hasenzagl, Herkenhoff, Mongey, and Posner, “Merger Guidelines for the Labor Market,”December 10, 2023   Slides

o   Nocke, Volker, and Michael D. Whinston. 2022. "Concentration Thresholds for Horizontal Mergers." American Economic Review, 112 (6): 1915-48. slides

o   Nathan H. Miller, and Matthew C. Weinberg, “Understanding the Price Effects of the MillerCoors Joint Venture,” Econometrica Dec 2017. slides

·        Lecture 10 (2/20): IO Environmental Applications

o   Shapiro, Joseph S., and Reed Walker. 2018. "Why Is Pollution from US Manufacturing Declining? The Roles of Environmental Regulation, Productivity, and Trade." American Economic Review, 108 (12): 3814-54. (slides)

o   Gowrisankaran, Gautam, Ashley Langer and Mar Reguant, “Energy Transitions in Regulated Markets,” Jan 2024  (authors’ slides)

·        Lecture 11 (2/27) IO and Transportation

o   Panle Jia Barwick, Myrto Kalouptsidi,Nahim Bin Zahur,”Industrial Policy Implementation: Empirical Evidence from China's Shipbuilding Industry",Dec 2023 (forthcoming Review of Economic Studies), (cutouts from paper), additional_tables


·        Lecture 12 (2/29) more on IO and Transportation

o   Giulia Brancaccio, Myrto Kalouptsidi, Theodore Papageorgiou, Nicola Rosaia, "Search Frictions and Efficiency in Decentralized Transport Markets", 2023, forthcoming Quarterly Journal of Economics (cutouts from paper)
